W D Gann was one of the most successful stock and commodity traders to ever operate in the markets, using his own style of technical analysis to reportedly take more than 50 Million dollars out of the markets over his career.
While most technical trading systems used today are based on price, Gann based his methods on time making it possible to determine when to anticipate a market’s change in trend, and also the best price point to exit or enter that market. Such was the accuracy of his methods that in 1933 he is reported to have made 479 trades of which 422 were winners and 57 were losers. His return on capital was 4,000 percent.
Throughout his long and illustrious career, Gann was to consistently repeat these forecasting and trading feats, and though his methods may seem unusual, they can still offer today's investor a real opportunity to trade the share market - with safety.
At Safety in the Market we're proud to have educated more than 25,000 people around the globe since 1989.
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