You want to study the Smarter Starter Pack, Number One Trading Plan and the Ultimate Gann Course in one day, master the software the next morning, place a trade by the afternoon and collect your millions by the evening. Who doesn’t? Is that achievable though? I am exaggerating, but how many of you have set expectations on yourself that you could not match? How many of you have then beaten yourself up?
Before we go any further let’s look at why we do this. Firstly we are living in a fast paced society. Everything is quick, fast or instant. We are expected to do more and more in a shorter period of time and produce massive results. In addition we are exposed to more information from more channels, so the tendency is to try to keep up with all which again raises the expectations.
But there is an even more fundamental reason. Consider the speed of thought. How fast do you think? How many thoughts go through your head in a minute? It is estimated that an average human thinks 60,000 thoughts in a day. Now how many of those thoughts can you verbalise? How many words do you speak? How many words can you speak if you went real fast? Words are slower than thoughts.
Lastly let’s look at actions. How much of what you say do you action? How much of what you say can you action? Not as much as what you say, not as fast as you speak. Thoughts, words and actions. It is very powerful to have all three lined up, but most times this is impossible.
Words are slower than thoughts. Actions are slower still. So what is the answer? First up you need to be aware of what this is happening. Often people do a brainstorming session to get all ideas and then action some of these ideas. Similarly, what you do (action) will be a lot less than what you think and say. A crucial step of the solution is to be gentle on yourself and others. We all say things and do not follow up on some of them.
The next thing is to use the brainstorming model. This is all I want to do, this is all I want to have, these are the ways I think I can get there, and those are some alternate plans. So now, let’s prioritise, let’s apply some realistic guidelines to it. Using your past performance and ability (or inability) to make things happen, what would be some realistic targets for these ideas that you prioritised?
Lastly you re-assess as you reach your time targets. How well did I do? Was I too optimistic in setting these milestones? Did I achieve more than I planned? How can I do this better next time? What tools, techniques, education and planning steps may I bring in? How may I slow down my thoughts and words and speed up my actions?
Believe, achieve!
Sinan Koray