Chief Editor

This week we have a new contributor – Wayne North. Wayne is based in Melbourne and is an Options Trader on both the Australian and USA markets. Options conjure up many reactions – risky, complex, “only for the professional” and many other reactions. Options are however an essential tool for the committed investor and well worth the effort to understand them. Over the next several weeks Wayne will take you through tutorials in very easy steps. Follow them each week and by the end of the series you will be a much more informed investor.

Many thanks to all those people who have emailed back with comments, requests, queries and challenges to articles. The reaction from our readership has been outstanding. We hope Trading Tutors continues to hit the right spot and be meaningful to you and helps to improve your investor knowledge and skills.

Successful investing – the markets are still in your favour – the daily trends are upwards!

OBV is a Powerful Tool

If you still have Trading Tutors Issue 3, April 22 you will recall I spoke about how to enter a market and the tools that can be useful. I am a great fan of OBV and you can see by the chart below that the technique did not let me down. Once PBL broke through $8.56 it has continued upwards with strong momentum:

My promise to you is that when I make a bad call I will declare it quickly and analyse why it went wrong!! That is bound to happen, as that’s the lot of an investor.

Good trading

Tom Scollon