Many of those readers new to HUBB are currently using the HUBB Investor software. We are constantly receiving feedback from users commending the ease of use and effectiveness of charting with this FREE investment software.
Whether you are a long term investor, a short term trader or completely green to the share market, this the best tool to cut your teeth on - in what is a very large and exciting path to becoming successful in the markets. What many don’t know, is there are several paths you can take, to further your knowledge in both trading and investing, as well as getting the most from your trading software.
Today we will talk about one of two channels that you, as a long term investor or a trader may take on your path to self directed success. The first is the trading path, which consists of the Elliott Wave Webinar. The second channel is our fundamental investment channel, designed for the long term investor. More on this next week.
The Elliott Wave Webinar:
The Elliott Wave webinar is a two-part webinar covering not just Elliott Wave, but basic technical analysis and key trading strategies to get you underway as a trader with HUBB. We split the webinar into two one hour sessions for a number of reasons. The first is simple because there is so much content to cover to allow students to build the foundations required to be a successful trader. Technical Analysis requires more than a simple Elliott Wave pattern or moving Average pattern on a daily bar chart. This is why the most successful Elliott Wave traders often spend years mastering their trade. These traders have a sharp understanding of just a few major indicators which can achieve consistent results and in turn, grow their trading account.
The additional indicators we cover in the Elliott Wave Webinar are MACD, Oscillators and Fibonacci Ratios alongside basic technical analysis to achieve consistency in results. These indicators are all a trader needs in their tool kit to grow a very healthy trading account.
The education doesn’t stop there... In session two, we look at LIVE trade examples taken during session one, we than analyse these examples and monitor profits and success rates of our Elliott Wave Analysis. This gives students an opportunity to view the success of Elliott Wave in a live trading environment, as well as experience the process we go through to filter from literally thousands of trades on US and Australian markets. We also look at pre-computed scanning functionalities using ProfitSource and applying Elliott Wave Analysis as well as demonstrating key trading systems that you can use in your day to day trading and analysis.
So far, the Elliott Wave Webinar has given hundreds of students the guidance and motivation they need to get their trading accounts moving in the right direction. Whether you’re green to the markets or a seasoned technical analyst, the Elliott Wave Webinar provides a wealth of knowledge for all traders young and old.
Seats are limited so email Ben Shaw and enrol in the next Elliott Wave Webinar today.
Happy Trading
Lachlan McPherson