Those who have been following my Safety in the Market articles on Australian banks over the past year will have noticed how I love to see a setup on 50% of a range. I particularly like to see a double top on 50% of a bear market range. I have distinct memories of how badly I traded one such setup on the SPI futures contract (AAI-SpotV in ProfitSource) in 2008. The setup in Chart 1 shows this double top. With the use of the Short the Opener’s advanced entry and by trailing stops behind swing tops, I could have made about 950-points or almost $24,000 per contract. But at that stage of my trading journey I wasn’t able to see the significance of the 50% retracement and wasn’t confident enough to use advanced entry methods. Chart 1: AAI-SpotV Double Top Setup in 2008
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So I revisited the Number One Trading Plan and the thing that kept jumping out at me was the strength of the 50% in price. It kept coming up in the articles I read and recurred in the markets I watched. I took some trades that were setup on a 50% level and suddenly started to see some profits, so I put this in my Trading Plan.
Fast-forward to the present day and a more recent setup I saw occurring on the SPI. Chart 2 shows a double top on 50% of the bigger bear market range from 2007 to 2009. Chart 2: AAI-SpotV Current Double Top Setup
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This double top isn’t a nice symmetrical top like the first example but it was a signal to look for a short trade, particularly as there were time analysis reasons also lining up, which I won’t go into here. Time analysis is covered more fully at Safety in the Market Gann Jump Start or Gann Mastery workshops, and I recommend these to enhance your trading and analysis skills.
Chart 3 shows an advanced entry for this trade and opportunities for additional entries, which would have added to potential profits. So far, trailing stops behind swing tops would have achieved 206 points or more than $5,000 per contract for the original trade entry. And it’s still going. Chart 3: AAI-SpotV Showing Entry Signals
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Try recreating these setups for yourself in ProfitSource and consider how you might have traded them. You could also look for other examples of double tops or bottoms on 50% of a range in your own markets. Consider how you could have traded them and when a similar setup presents itself in the future, you will be ready. You never know, it might become one of your favourites too!
It’s the journey
Lauren Jones