As of the close of trading on October 29, the Qs were priced at 35.32. However, we feel that the Qs might fall a bit from this price by November expiration. This is because they are approaching resistance and this should push the security lower. This being the case, we are going to enter a mock trade using the 31, 34 and 37 puts. We are using the puts because they are offering just a slightly better entry price at the moment. Thus, here is our trade:
- Buy 1 Nov 31 Put @ 0.10
- Sell 2 Nov 34 Put @ 0.35
- Buy 1 Nov 37 Put @ 1.90
- Entry Debit = $130
- Max Profit = $170
- Downside Breakeven = 32.30
- Upside Breakeven = 35.70
Normally, a butterfly trade is delta neutral. This means that the delta of each option added up would be close to zero. However, this only occurs when we use ATM options for the body of the butterfly. In our case, we are entering a slightly bearish trade, looking for the Qs to fall closer to 34 by November expiration. Therefore, the total delta currently for this trade is -31. However, gamma currently sits at nearly -10, so a point move in the underlying will push delta closer to zero. Once the Qs trade near 34, delta will be very close to zero. Figure 3 shows the risk graph of this mock trade.