Second rule is that journalists are not necessarily well educated in the particular subject about which they write. They are reporters – generally nothing more!
Third rule is that as investors you do not have to be constantly in a worried state of mind. There is not always a dark day looming. You can relax sometimes. I guess the word “stalking” perhaps implies being forever vigilant – but when we find our catch – we can actually go into relax mode. That is not to say we turn our back on the market but rather we do not have to be on “high alert” as in “being ready to pounce at any time” – that is an unhealthy state of mind if continued indefinitely. It can well lead to burn out and when that happens we are unlikely to make the wise decisions. This is as good a time as any to take a break and recharge the batteries.
Fourth tenet is to try to survive without the media – and go purely technical. It does work – try it for size and see if it fits you. You will be amazed at how much clearer you think with less noise!
Well, the markets look set for a year end rally. On a seasonal basis we would expect to see a run up now to the end of April – the unknown can happen but this upward trend remains intact.
Trading Tutors will go into recess for the next two weeks. After that, the editorial from yours truly will recommence, although articles will generally not resume until late January as our columnists will be taking a well earned break.
In the meantime I would like to thank you for you keen interest in Trading Tutors since its inception earlier this year. We look forward to serving you in 2004 and helping you create wealth – independently!
Have a happy, restful and safe festive season.
Tom Scollon
Chief Editor