Tom Scollon
Tom Scollon
Chief Editor

There are Traders and Investors.

And even within these two broad classifications we come in many different species. I do not know two people that trade or invest in the same way. It is such a very personal matter.

Traders generally want to be active in the markets whereas investors prefer to “buy and hold” – some for years, some for shorter periods. Both are however co-joined by one common element – they want to be in control of their own financial destiny.

To manage our own investments there are any number of tools available to us – charting, software, education – all of vital importance in arming ourselves to excel in the markets. One tool that we have not previously made available to our clients is a newsletter that actually specifies stocks that are most likely to outshine in what is an increasingly volatile market. That’s why this week I’ve replaced my normal column with a brief introduction to SharesBulletin.

SharesBulletin is a brand new publication in which we analyse stocks, identifying both short-term trades and long term “buy and hold” investments.

There are many investors who simply don’t have the time or inclination to be trading daily so we also build a long term portfolio identifying stocks that have still further upside and will be resilient in any market pullback – no mean feat!

Each week there is a detailed market commentary and sector analysis providing experienced views on where the market is headed – succinct and easy to follow. The underlying premise driving SharesBulletin’s style is that people today are time shy – this is for busy people.

I commend SharesBulletin to you. We will email further details to you shortly.

Enjoy the ride!

Tom Scollon