Tom Scollon I cruise through the top 300 and I see much red ink. Some big boys like ASX, CSL, NWS, MYR and MQA and many more.  Numerous medium caps.

As I quickly scan I can see patterns which prompt me to check out which sectors.  So I give you the summary outlooks:


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We can conclude from the two charts above that retailers do not expect much joy from you in the next few weeks.


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While the above is a property catchall, check out any stock that is property/building related and you will see softness.  This is no surprise.

Health Care:

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Healthcare has been the darling of the market for almost five years:

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The last month could be a mere correction.  Well as an absolute minimum a pause, but it could also be the beginning of a major five year reversal:

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The major stocks I see in a downward trend could also be in the beginning of a free fall.  The market might hold up overall but some of your darlings could cause you some sleepless vacillation.

Spring cleaning is not just for the ‘Spring Carnival’ time of the year but an all year round necessary chore. 


Enjoy the ride

Tom Scollon