Tom Scollon

I mentioned a few days ago on the Hubb Financial social media pages that the Australian All Ordinaries have gone nowhere this year. That is the macro picture. The big picture.

The All Ords as it is commonly known - or code XAO - is a weighted index of more than 300 companies from the Australian share market. All share markets have a head index which is an indicator of the overall market in general terms and then there are a wholes series of sub indices - which cover off the various industry segments.

The Australian market has ten sectors with the Finance - XFJ and the Materials index - XFJ, being two of the biggest drivers for our markets. Each sector has its own factors which cause it to move up and down. Sometimes sectors move in sync. Other times they move in parallel.

Lets take a look at the picture for each of these key indices - XAO, XFJ and XMJ:



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So we can see Materials is moving higher but Finance - and in the main big banks - are showing considerable weakness.

If your revetments are indexed to the All Ords then your portfolio will have pretty much stayed the same.

If you were in banks you would be fairly disappointed and if you were heavily weighted towards materials - BHP and the like - you would be smiling.

Where to for the rest of the year?

My take is that the overall market will finish about ‘line ball’. The rather unobtrusive line on the Materials and Financials charts is my take on the continuing direction in the coming months.

Next year? In the coming weeks I will offer my projections for 2018.


Enjoy the ride

Tom Scollon