Tom Scollon

A terrible expression but a sort of euphemism for stocks with appalling performance – in Australian parlance. Not to be confused with an investment strategy of buying high dividend stocks on the DOW – the so called ‘Dogs of the DOW”’.

Here I talk of stocks that have constantly turned in bad performance – yet investors hang on. My three dogs for the week just finished, are Telstra, Myer and McGrath Real Estate - TLS, MYE and MEA. Let’s look at their performance:


TLS: Telstra

Click to Enlarge

MYR: Myer

Click to Enlarge

MEA: McGrath

Click to Enlarge

All three have much in common. All are household names owned by average investors who have lost a lot of money.
The demise of all three have been frequently on the front pages. Yet there are still buyers – where there is a seller there is a buyer. Maybe punters.
I can understand mums and dads investors may not quite understand all the machinations of the markets, but I ask what have the board of directors been doing other than creaming with fat director fees?
How can they sleep at night or hold their heads high?
I would be ashamed to have my name associated with any of these companies.
What have management been doing?
A further characteristic of all falling stars is that there are many many warning signals to get out, yet many investors hold on with a glimmer of hope that they can get their money back.

Be not ashamed to have a dog in your portfolio.
But be tough on yourself if you do nothing.

Rule of thumb is 10% - I am unhappy if a stock goes the wrong way by even 5-6%. I constantly review my positions and am quick to cut loose anything that could become a loser. Always spring cleaning.
I have experienced the pain of making paper profits and allowing them later to become realised losses.

To stay out of trouble regularly take a hard look at not just your portfolio but also your strategy.

Enjoy the ride

Tom Scollon