Tom Scollon
Tom Scollon
Chief Editor

Yes the end of 2004 is nigh.

This is the last ‘full’ version of Trading Tutors Newsletter this year as we anticipate that come this time next week you will be very much in the Christmas season spirit. We will however, bring you a special ‘Editorial Edition’ next week and this will be posted to you next Thursday. So it will be earlier and smaller in the hope that you will have the time to read it.

The full version will resume Friday January 14, 2005.

On behalf of the team I would like to thank you for the great enthusiasm with which you receive Trading Tutors Newsletter and for your many emails. We have a dedicated readership of over 13,000 – many of who are from overseas.

I am sure you would like to join me in thanking our contributors for their sterling efforts in bringing quality, thought provoking articles to you each week. All columnists have busy programs often involving heavy travel schedules but each week they come up with fresh, interesting material. Judging from your feedback it seems that most weeks so many of you find value in at least one or two articles in each edition.

Behind the scenes there is also a solid support and operations involved in ensuring the Newsletter reaches you on time. Again I would like to thank them on your behalf.

The team is looking forward so much to TradeFest in May 2005 when we will get an opportunity to meet many of you for the first time and of course to renew old acquaintances.

Lastly, let me extend to you and your families best wishes for a safe and happy Christmas season. I hope that 2005 is truly a wonderful year for you.

Enjoy the ride.

Tom Scollon