Chief Editor
Whilst you are snow skiing or sunning yourself on the northern beaches yours truly is head down at an Optionetics seminar in Brisbane. I believe it is absolutely crucial to constantly invest in your own training. This is vital for any business and no less so for the business you undertake when you are a trader or investing for wealth creation.

The Optionetics seminar offers a high impact, two day course with quality materials. One of the great aspects of the Optionetics courses is the free entry ticket it gives you to re-attend that same seminar anywhere in the world. As Optionetics conduct seminars quarterly in Australia this is a real benefit as options is a topic where constant reinforcement will prove beneficial.

The skills learned at the course are equally applicable to both the Australian and overseas markets. Remember the Australian equities market represents only 2% of world markets and solely trading equities here gives you very limited exposure to global opportunities.

By the end of this month Trading Tutors will be available on the web! There are a number of major benefits for our readers in that you can access all historical articles. The site will also provide discussion boards enabling you to share ideas with other traders, seek answers to problems, swap ideas - again enabling you to have a meeting point with like minded people. 

Noel who is very well known to many of you is on a well earnt break but will resume his articles in a couple of weeks.