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Lachlan McPherson

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Lachlan McPherson is an equity analyst with the HUBB Financial Group based in the United States. His sophisticated understanding of the macroeconomic picture enables him to focus on technically-timed, fundamental plays and his expertise is a feature of HUBB’s various course materials on both trading and investing. An accomplished media presenter, Lachlan regularly shares his equities research on Sky News, Sky Business and Yahoo! 7 Finance. He has enjoyed an extensive and varied career, including roles as a business development manager across the Asia-Pacific region, a business owner and entrepreneur.

Latest Posts

Back to the Future

31 Jan, 2011
2011 has started with a bang. Never would we foresee the series of events that has unfolded in the first 3 weeks of the trading year.

Moving Forward in 2011

24 Jan, 2011
All too often we get caught up in a myriad of advanced technical indicators, all in our quest to find the holy grail of trading.

Choosing Carefully

13 Dec, 2010
Attendees of this week’s Elliott Wave Webinar will be aware that during session one, we placed a huge emphasis on stock selection.

No Rush for Christmas

6 Dec, 2010
It’s early December, and already we are seeing the sign of the pre-Christmas spending drive from retailers, perhaps now more than ever.

Feeling The Pinch

29 Nov, 2010
One would have to be living under a rock to not be aware of the recent strong Australian dollar.

Time for a pullback?

15 Nov, 2010
The market has been waiting for a number of issues to come to play before deciding on its next step forward.

Moving above the average

8 Nov, 2010
It’s been a tough few weeks on the markets, with volatility abound and a number of influential factors taking place on a global basis.

Where to from here?

1 Nov, 2010
Most readers will now be aware of the startling performance we have seen from particular sectors over the past few months.

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