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This week Aaron Lynch and I have been running the first of the Interactive Trading Workshops in Melbourne. It has been three days packed with information, as I''m sure all those who attended would agree. One of the topics covered during the sessions was trading using Two and Three-Day Swing Charts. One of the clients who had just finished the lesson on this subject immediately identified a terrific trading opportunity on the SPI200.
Those clients who have attended a Trading Tactics Seminar in 2004, have been part of the new improved format. The feedback from those clients who have come back in 2004 as re-attendees has been excellent.
Here we are at the first anniversary of the Trading Tutors Newsletter. To celebrate this milestone I thought there would be no more appropriate time, to pen an article on Time by Degrees. We have come a full 360 degrees this week.
A student who has taken the time to study when ABC Trading works best will have no doubt that a strong trend is the key. We have seen over recent months how incredible the run up in Soybeans has been.
When back testing a market it is crucial that your results accurately reflect what would have been the outcomes in real time trading. The Starter Pack Software is an invaluable tool for the ABC Trader to locate trading opportunities. This week though I’d like to highlight a certain situation where you need to be more on top of your game or you could miss additional profit opportunities.
Back in late 2003 I wrote about the potential for an explosive run in Sugar based on 30 Year cycles. Let me say right up front that the Sugar market did not take off in late 2003 as I anticipated it might.
Last week I left off with the SPI200 poised to move strongly to the upside on the latest ABC trade. The market hadn’t yet reached the 50% Milestone for the trade, the most critical level for a Starter Pack trade.
I have had some great feedback this week about last week’s article on the SPI200, outlining the potential bullish indications based upon Pressure Points. Now our Trading Tutors Newsletter hits your ‘Inbox’ early each week and of course the SPI200 spent the first three days of the week heading down!
Back in the first issue of the Trading Tutors Newsletter for 2004 I wrote about how the Dow Jones was in a potentially exciting position.
Putting in the hard work and back testing markets will provide an increased level of confidence and your trading results will ultimately move in line with the knowledge you have.
