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Articles for: Income Investing

Mathew Barnes image

Multiple Streams of Income

Mathew Barnes 12 Jun, 2009

In trading there are times when everything seems easy. Most of our trades are winners, our morale is up, our bank balance is overflowing and life is good! Then, there are times when the volume drops out of the market, trends aren’t as long or strong and money is harder to make. Sometimes we need to sit out of the market altogether if it is too volatile, or not volatile enough.

Andrew Page image

Slave or Save

Andrew Page 22 May, 2009

As investors, we are understandably focused on achieving the highest return possible. The higher our return, the more money we make and the sooner we can retire. So it is of course important that we make our money work as hard as possible.

Andrew Page image

False profits

Andrew Page 15 May, 2009
When trying to judge the success of traders  there is nothing more definitive than the rate of return they have been able to  demonstrate.  Regardless of what other  explanations or justifications you might consider, a trader that has achieved a  50% return over the past year has been objectively more successful than another  who generated a 5% return.
Andrew Page image

The price of everything and the value of nothing

Andrew Page 24 Apr, 2009
It’s very easy to take something as straightforward as a  market and make it seem immensely complicated, and it’s something that we all  do.  But let’s step back for a moment and  examine exactly what the market actually is.
Andrew Page image

Long Term Investing Dead?

Andrew Page 2 Apr, 2009
A lot of comparisons have been made between the current Global Financial Crisis and the great depression, and indeed there are many similarities. Unfortunately though, such comparisons seem to provide little scope for optimism, especially for the longer term investor.
Andrew Page image

Time to Invest?

Andrew Page 27 Mar, 2009
A lot of people spend considerable time and energy in trying to determine whether the market has bottomed or has further to fall. While we can attempt to calculate reasonable and objective estimates, the fact is no one can ever be sure, not even the most qualified and experienced professional.
Andrew Page image

Damage Control

Andrew Page 13 Mar, 2009
There are few reasons to be optimistic about the general state of the global economy at present and at times like these it can be difficult to remain confident in the markets. As a long term income investor it can be easier to tolerate significant corrections, but they are certainly an unwelcome phenomenon.
Andrew Page image

Investing for Income in Retirement

Andrew Page 27 Feb, 2009
At a recent presentation at the ASX I was demonstrating the attractiveness of income investing in the share market. In attempting to justify my arguments I made use of a number of historical price charts that spanned a period of up to 20 years.
Andrew Page image

Get Real

Andrew Page 20 Feb, 2009
The most important thing you can do prior to becoming involved in the market is to ensure you have realistic expectations.
Andrew Page image

A Glass Half Full

Andrew Page 13 Feb, 2009
This reporting season has seen most companies reveal substantial drops in earnings, but despite this we have actually seen many stocks rise after the event.
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