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Articles for: Moving Averages

John Jeffery image

Blowing in the Wind

John Jeffery 6 Sep, 2010
The deteriorating investment climate and recessionary environment of the last few years has had some interesting impacts on social behaviour and interests.
Jordan Craw image

Is it Really Deadly?

Jordan Craw 23 Aug, 2010
The ‘Death Cross’ is a term used to describe the behaviour of two moving averages in relation to each other.
John Jeffery image

Energy Efficiency

John Jeffery 14 Dec, 2009
In the most recent issue of the Self Directed Investor (a free newsletter for HUBB software users) I demonstrated how the relative performances of the different sectors are likely to change over the next few weeks and months.
Tom Scollon image

Markets are living things?

Tom Scollon 7 Dec, 2009
Well we know humans are living things and we know animals are and of course plants are too. But are markets really living things?
Jordan Craw image

Is it Really Golden?

Jordan Craw 6 Jul, 2009
Moving averages (MAs) are often the first technical indicator learnt when studying technical analysis, and why not they are straight forward and help gauge where a market is in relation to its history.

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