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Articles for: China

Lachlan McPherson image

China: Full Steam Ahead

Lachlan McPherson 6 May, 2013
I was lucky enough to spend the majority of the past week in China, attending a well regarded international investment expo in Shanghai, with the aim of assessing just how strong the Chinese investment beast remains.
Tom Scollon image

Related China issues

Tom Scollon 17 Oct, 2008
My brain is teaming with issues related to the looming global recession and China. I will try and deal with them succinctly.
Tom Scollon image

Missive from China

Tom Scollon 10 Oct, 2008
Can China save the world from this unprecedented market meltdown?
Andrew Page image

Is the Resource Boom over?

Andrew Page 22 Aug, 2008
The rapid growth from developing nations like China and India have helped to significantly boost the demand for resources like iron and copper, and as such we’ve seen solid increases in volumes and prices in metals over the past 5 years.

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