Articles for: ASX
As I am sure most of you know sharemarkets are divided into sectors. For example Financials excluding property is about 40% of the Sharemarket, Materials is about 20%, and Industrials are about 8%.
Volume is one of the simplest and most undervalued indicators around. Like indicators in general, volume alone does not give the whole picture.
There has been a lot of talk in recent times about whether the current Australian market rally will continue or if the brakes will come on.
The last two weeks have been interesting in our local markets to say the least. Since the August 2007 lows around 60% of our ASX Sectors have managed to recover to a reasonable level.
Over the past month there have been many great shorting opportunities for students that follow the Safety in the Market trading system.
And thank you for those of you who wrote in with very sincere concern for my state of mind. I am sorry if I alarmed you but I have found getting things off my chest a calming process.
Because by the time this goes to print I will be back going long again. I just can’t help myself. Maybe I have an addiction. Maybe I have a problem.
John Jeffery
10 Aug, 2007
Meteorology involves collecting large amounts of data from many different sources in order to predict what the weather will do.
Trading a break of a trend line is one of the oldest technical trading methods around.
Noel Campbell
18 Dec, 2006
Many investors right now will be watching the equities markets with baited breath, wondering what is going to happen next!?!