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Articles for: SPX

John Jeffery image

When will the Pull Back come?

John Jeffery 14 Sep, 2009
For the last 4 weeks, media pundits and market commentators have (rather tiredly in my opinion) prattled on about shares “getting ahead of the fundamentals” and how the market should “pull back”.
Jordan Craw image

What is Your Bias?

Jordan Craw 10 Aug, 2009
A diversified approach is important in any investment strategy. There are varying levels of diversity from Macro to Micro levels.
Jordan Craw image

Is it Really Golden?

Jordan Craw 6 Jul, 2009
Moving averages (MAs) are often the first technical indicator learnt when studying technical analysis, and why not they are straight forward and help gauge where a market is in relation to its history.
Jordan Craw image

Pivot With It

Jordan Craw 30 Nov, 2007
Pivot points are an Indictor often used by floor traders or day traders as a quick and easy way to calculate resistance and support levels.
Mario La Marra image

Repeat In S&P500

Mario La Marra 5 Oct, 2007
As a general baseline of analysis, history gives us an indication of how our markets will react at current levels.
Aaron Lynch image

The Costs of Ambition

Aaron Lynch 12 Dec, 2006
I read a great quote over the weekend in the Astrology section of the Sunday paper. It said under my star sign that you have to measure the “freight costs of your ambition”. I thought what a great way of discussing the road to your outcomes. Like all things worthy of effort, learning to trade will have its fair share of trials and tribulations.
Tom Scollon image

Where To The Markets?

Tom Scollon 15 Sep, 2003
Markets go three ways – up – down – sideways. No need to state the obvious that recently the move has been up. The choices from here are still the same – up, down or sideways. What is more likely?

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