This week I'll review the set-up and how it was managed. The Double Tops were formed on the 9th and 19th of September. The entry signal was given on the 22nd as the market broke the low of the 19th. The entry stop was just outside the 33% limit, however with time backing up this trade I stretched the entry limit on this occasion. We were in Perth at the Trading Tactics Two-Day Seminar on this day, so there was a sense of excitement in the room as the market headed south. The first point to note is how confidently the market moved through the 50% milestone, refer to circle 1. This was an excellent sign that this was a good trade. On the 23rd , the market reached the 100% milestone and here you can see the first example of The Power of Pressure Points, as the market bounced the following day, refer to circle 2. A number of traders may have been stopped out this day, my stops were still behind the 50% on this occasion. One point to note is the volume on the 24th was relatively low compared to the 23rd, indicating the rally was simply a retracement.