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Noel Campbell

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Gravity Defying Feats or False Break

23 Jul, 2013
Early July in the U.S. signalled the start of the latest ‘Earnings Season’ and another stellar charge by this seemingly tireless bull.

U.S. Dollar Dazzler!

15 May, 2013
What we are looking at this month is the classic cliché’, ‘Old Tops become, new bottoms’. I’ve said many times at Trading Tactics, ‘I want everyone to make money out of that saying, and when you do, remember me.’

Volatile Gold – Love It

12 Apr, 2013
If you have been watching the Gold price over the past week or so then you’ve surely seen some dramatic movements, both up and down. When you look at the profit potential in these moves, the dollars add up very quickly. Longer term, things haven’t changed for me, I’m still bearish based on the 200% of the range I’ve covered numerous times in previous articles. Sometimes though a trader needs to be thinking a little more about the short term and where the next big opportunity might come from.

You Can Make A Fortune Out Of 50% Alone

13 Feb, 2013
What a last few weeks it has been! Some trading hasn’t been easy at times but the last few days have helped make all the effort worthwhile.

Golden Opportunity

12 Oct, 2012
Sometimes opportunities and potential trading setups come along that seem just too good to be true.

SWM - Have We Got a Danger Zone Trend  Change?

13 Aug, 2012
It’s been a while since I’ve put pen to paper for the Safety in the Market Monthly Newsletter. This offers me an opportunity to change tack from the more advanced material we cover in the Platinum Newsletter and get back to basics.

Look Out Orica - It's 200%

29 Jun, 2012
Welcome to this edition of the Safety in the Market Monthly Newsletter. This month I wanted to share with our traders some of the work we have been doing at our recent Interactive Trading Workshops (ITWs) on the stock Orica (ORI).
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