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Noel Campbell

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Futures - A Definition

29 Jun, 2012
It certainly has been a wild few weeks on the markets, a sharp contrast from the upside we've seen for the past four years.

Gold Fireworks

18 Apr, 2011
Welcome all Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter. Last month we continued the unfolding story on Gold.

Staying on Your Toes

16 Mar, 2011
Welcome all Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter. David has a saying when it comes to jumping before your entry trigger has been given, “Don’t be anticipatory stupid”.

Golden Moment?

16 Feb, 2011
Welcome all Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter.

Do We Believe this Bull or Not?

19 Jan, 2011
Welcome all Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter, the first for 2011. I would like to wish all our traders Happy New Year.

SPI - Hold the Phone, A Third Leg?

15 Dec, 2010
Welcome all Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter. Since I last wrote to you in early November, we have seen the market fall away quite heavily and then bounce all the way back in just under a week.
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