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Andrew Page

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The Trouble With Rising Share Prices

4 Oct, 2010
The really annoying thing about many of my shares is that they keep going up. Of course as far as problems go, this is a pretty good one to have, but nevertheless a problem it remains.

An Uncertain Time for the Market?

27 Sep, 2010
An abundance of people are saying that it is a particularly uncertain time for the market at present. Investors have to contend with a multitude of factors, on a range of fronts, and there is heated debate as to their likely outcome and the impact on securities.

Understanding the Odds

10 Sep, 2010

They say the odds of winning the jackpot on a pokie machine (slot machine for US readers) is about one in ten million. So low are the odds that you are nearly seven times more likely to be hit by lightening, and yet roughly a third of adult Australians have played them over the past year.

Buy & Hold is Dead - Part I

30 Aug, 2010
Gone are the days, we are led to believe, where holding shares for the long term will bring any reward.

The Magic Box Part 3

23 Aug, 2010
What is the use of talking about mystical cash producing boxes when it comes to the real world of investing? In this the final instalment of the series, we reveal what DividendKey students know only too well: Dividend paying stocks are just as good as magic money boxes...

Super Rip-0ff

16 Aug, 2010
The national broadcaster last week released a damning report on the returns of Superannuation funds. It sounds a clear call to arms for all serious investors.

The Magic Box Part 2

30 Jul, 2010
Last week we saw how the value of a cash producing ‘magic money box’ was something that was difficult to ascertain.

The Magic Box Part 1

19 Jul, 2010
What is the value of something that reliably and consistently produces ever increasing amounts cold hard cash?

Dividends Make the Difference

5 Jul, 2010
As DividendKey attendees will be aware, when it comes to generating an income stream from your investment dollar, most people tend not to think of shares as an attractive option, and this is a great pity.
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