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Lauren Jones

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In 2006, Lauren Jones decided to turn her interest in the stock market into a career in trading. She completed her studies with the Safety in the Market Platinum Program and is now an experienced and successful trader. Lauren is a greatly admired seminar trainer and a regular contributor to the Safety in the Market publications, specialising in the Australian market in general and the banking sector in particular.

Latest Posts

Becoming a Specialist

12 Sep, 2011
Safety in the Market instructors are often asked: “What market should I specialise in?”

Banking on a Setup

5 Sep, 2011
A key part of any trading plan is looking for set ups and if you are finding that part of your trading analysis boring, then so be it.

Searching For A Silver Lining

29 Aug, 2011
While the equities markets have been having an interesting time lately, Silver has also been intriguing (SI-SpotV in ProfitSource).

Shorting into the Fall

15 Aug, 2011
While many might not have been short for the big falls on the Dow and the SPI, there were a few nice short opportunities leading into this period...

How to Pick a Profitable Trade

18 Jul, 2011
At a recent Safety in the Market Interactive Trading Workshop, we were analysing the 1-day ABC setups from our ProfitSource scans.

Trading for a Living

20 Jun, 2011
Do you want to trade the markets for a living? Are you looking for an alternative business to the one you are currently in?

My Favourite Setup

30 May, 2011
Those who have been following my Safety in the Market articles on Australian banks over the past year will have noticed how I love to see a setup on 50% of a range.
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