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Articles for: Chart Patterns

Jordan Craw image

Contrary to Popular Opinion

Jordan Craw 28 Aug, 2009
Looking back through articles from earlier this year How Sold Are We and A Standard Rally, it is clear I was initially skeptical of the March low and subsequent rally.
Tom Scollon image

The Second Coming

Tom Scollon 24 Aug, 2009
I was interested in the comments made last week by a senior bureaucrat about the prospect of a second recession wave in the GFC – global finance crisis.
Tom Scollon image

Whither to gold?

Tom Scollon 17 Aug, 2009
The gold buffs have not had a riveting time of late – well at least compared to equities. And gold stocks have not had such a great time either.
Jordan Craw image

What is Your Bias?

Jordan Craw 10 Aug, 2009
A diversified approach is important in any investment strategy. There are varying levels of diversity from Macro to Micro levels.
Tom Scollon image

I don't have the answer

Tom Scollon 10 Aug, 2009
Sometimes you just don’t have clarity. And when that happens I always find it is best not to do anything.
Tom Scollon image


Tom Scollon 3 Aug, 2009
Discipline is the last of my series on the ‘Seven Deadly Sins of Trading’. But it is by far the most important of all.
John Jeffery image

Wagon Trails across the Orient

John Jeffery 27 Jul, 2009
Over the past few weeks I had the pleasure of visiting different parts of mainland China. What becomes immediately apparent to any visitor to the major population centres in the eastern provinces is the large scale industrialisation and urbanisation that is occurring.
Aaron Lynch image

Who's left to do the heavy lifting?

Aaron Lynch 14 Jul, 2009
As we turned the corner into the new financial year its seems the market is performing a U turn when compared the first 6 months of 2009.
Jordan Craw image

Hammering Wave 4

Jordan Craw 13 Jul, 2009
There has been much written about the origin of candlestick charting and its uses so I won’t bore you with the standard story.
Tim Walker image

Comparing Stocks and Commodities

Tim Walker 6 Jul, 2009
Anyone who has attended the Hot Commodities Summit in 2008 or 2009 would be aware of the profit potential of trading commodity futures. However, for many, particularly new traders, futures can seem inaccessible, perhaps because they require more capital, or perhaps simply because they are too confusing.
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