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Articles for: Gann Analysis

Tim Walker image

Multiple Tops and Bottoms

Tim Walker 28 Aug, 2009
Every so often I receive an email from a reader with feedback on this series of articles on Santos (STO:ASX). I always appreciate them, and if you have anything you’d particularly like me to cover, please let me know.
Mathew Barnes image

False Breaks

Mathew Barnes 27 Jul, 2009
Often in trading we will analyse a market using our Gann analysis, make some calculations and determine a price level that looks like it will provide support or resistance in the market.
Tim Walker image

Adding Another Dimension To Your Trading

Tim Walker 20 Jul, 2009
In my last article in Trading Tutors Newsletter Issue #315 I mentioned that the lower tops on the chart of Santos (STO:ASX) since the high of 27 March might be an indication for lower prices in Crude Oil.
Sinan Koray image

What will happen in July?

Sinan Koray 14 Jul, 2009
As the month of June closes and currencies have rolled over to September contract, it is a good time to look at what is ahead for the month of July.
Mathew Barnes image

Watching the Euro Winding Up

Mathew Barnes 13 Jul, 2009
Like many traders, investors, analysts and newsletter writers, I’m patiently waiting for the US Dollar to drop like a stone.
Mathew Barnes image

A Rock and a Hard Place

Mathew Barnes 19 Jun, 2009

It’s been a very interesting time in the currency markets. Mind you, I can’t remember too many boring times since I started trading these markets!

Tim Walker image

Another Use for ABCs

Tim Walker 19 Jun, 2009

What do you think of when you see ABC Points on a chart? Very probably, you look at it as a potential trade, and then proceed to evaluate its strength or weakness. However, there is another very powerful use for ABC Points, and that is to give potential prices where moves may end and the trend may turn. As usual we will illustrate by looking at Santos (STO:ASX).

Aaron Lynch image

Another financial year draws to a close.

Aaron Lynch 18 Jun, 2009

As we close on the end to the current financial year many are asking are the recent sell offs in the equity markets the sign of more to come. It has to be said since the early May we have travelled predominately sideways and this last climb to yearly highs has been very weak with volumes and average ranges shrinking. The fundamental news in the market has also been negative against a rising prices, this combined with the need for many stocks to go into capital raising by issuing more shares may have finally weighed the market enough for it to take a break.

Noel Campbell image

You've Gotta Love Seven

Noel Campbell 16 Jun, 2009

Welcome from me to all our Safety in the Market traders to this month’s dedicated newsletter. I’ve just got back from the Adelaide Interactive Trading Workshop yesterday that was conducted with my mate Tim Walker. It is the second one in a row for us and really gave us a chance to build upon the current market action we had been following for the past couple of weeks. It’s personally given my stock CFD trading a boost as we have come across so many great set-ups that were just too good to pass up. I want to share a potential beauty with you on Seven Network (SEV).

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