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Articles for: Growth Investing

Andrew Page image

False profits

Andrew Page 16 Apr, 2010
When trying to judge the success of traders there is nothing more definitive than the rate of return they have been able to demonstrate.
John Jeffery image

DMI and Top Down Stock Selection

John Jeffery 6 Apr, 2010
There are some very simple technical indicators that you can employ to decide whether or not this is a good time to be trading a given share, index or future.
Andrew Page image

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Andrew Page 1 Mar, 2010
In principle, making money in the market is all about buying low and selling high. At least that’s what most people tend to think, and a great deal of effort goes into trying to identify stocks with the best growth potential.
Andrew Page image

Young Guns

Andrew Page 15 Feb, 2010
When it comes to investing, the sooner you start and the longer you wait, the better off you will be. It’s an undeniable fact.
Andrew Page image

Go Long, Stay Strong

Andrew Page 22 Jan, 2010

Given the apparent devastation that resulted from the Global Financial Crisis, a casual observer would be forgiven for thinking that stock market investors are still licking their wounds. After all, the Australian market more than halved in value between Late 2007 and early 2009 and still remains a good 25% below its all time high. Fortunes have been lost and, according to the popular media, the hopes and dreams of the soon to be retired baby boomers have gone up in smoke.

Andrew Page image

Picks of the month

Andrew Page 15 Jan, 2010

Experience has repeatedly taught me to be wary of ‘hot tips’, especially when they concern unproven speculative enterprises. In an efficient market one must be careful not to forget that by the time you have received the tip, so have a thousand others and the expectation will most often already be reflected in the market price. This is especially relevant for those concerned only with short term gains.

Andrew Page image

Told you so

Andrew Page 14 Dec, 2009
As it turns out, this was amazingly prescient, with the market rallying strongly between then and now.
John Jeffery image

If you can't be good, be careful

John Jeffery 21 Sep, 2009
In my last article I noted that we could be approaching technical resistance in the S&P 500 and that I am paring back my long positions as individual charts begin to show weakness.

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