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Articles for: ProfitSource

Tom Scollon image

Beware the spin

Tom Scollon 14 Nov, 2008
Our world of finance, of greed, of desperation to survive reeks of panic.
Mathew Barnes image

Hedging Your Currency Risk

Mathew Barnes 7 Nov, 2008
The recent fall in the value of the Australian Dollar, while painful for Australians looking to travel overseas, has proven popular with many traders whose trading accounts are denominated in US Dollars.
John Jeffery image

Easy does it

John Jeffery 7 Nov, 2008
Albert Einstein said that the solution to any problem should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Tom Scollon image

Worrisome Good News

Tom Scollon 7 Nov, 2008
Yes I know I am a worry wart but there are some insidious things happening that are causing me concern.
Tom Scollon image


Tom Scollon 31 Oct, 2008
Sean writes: ‘Around the middle of this year you gave us your thoughts on where you thought the SPI was headed.
Tom Scollon image

Mr OPEC don't even try and 'fix' it

Tom Scollon 24 Oct, 2008
As OPEC meet to decide on production cuts, that they think may or may not affect the price of oil, I thought I would contemplate what may happen regardless of what OPEC do.
Tom Scollon image

Related China issues

Tom Scollon 17 Oct, 2008
My brain is teaming with issues related to the looming global recession and China. I will try and deal with them succinctly.
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