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Articles for: ProfitSource

Tom Scollon image

Are You Feeling Comfy?

Tom Scollon 15 Feb, 2008
When I see investors buying into the current market I ask myself, who is doing this buying? Why? Do they know something that I don’t?
Tim Walker image

Santos - The Story Continues

Tim Walker 8 Feb, 2008
The great Jesse Livermore (1877-1940), regarded by many as the greatest trader who ever lived, said: “Speculation (i.e. trading) is nothing more than anticipating coming movements”.
Tom Scollon image

Back to the Big Picture

Tom Scollon 8 Feb, 2008
Copper is an important driver for our market in that it is a bulk commodity that the world still wants and we have in abundance.
John Jeffery image

US Focus

John Jeffery 4 Feb, 2008
After a few weeks of emotional extremes in the financial markets it is time to reflect on the US economic picture. There are some positive signs.
Mathew Barnes image

Carry Trades

Mathew Barnes 4 Feb, 2008
Most traders are familiar with CFDs and the concept of paying interest on long positions and receiving interest on short positions.
Jordan Craw image

Top Down Analysis

Jordan Craw 4 Feb, 2008
Top Down Analysis involves determining which stocks have the particular combination of factors – technical, fundamental, economic or political – that constitute a profitable trading opportunity.
Mathew Barnes image

Trading vs Forecasting

Mathew Barnes 25 Jan, 2008
When you first decided to start trading the financial markets, were you thinking, “I want to be able to forecast so I can impress my friends”, or did you think “I want to make money and be financially free”?
Noel Campbell image

Where's the Floor?

Noel Campbell 25 Jan, 2008
It has been a dramatic few weeks on global stock markets. The impact of the credit crunch and years of easy debt, that is simply not available now, is really starting to hit home.
Tom Scollon image

Don''t throw out the baby

Tom Scollon 25 Jan, 2008
It is times like this when many traders are apt to ‘throw out the baby with the bath water’. Or in another manner of speech they ‘throw’ in the towel.
Tom Scollon image

XAO – All Bets Off

Tom Scollon 18 Jan, 2008
Well much has happened in the last week and if I was writing as I did last week on the mother of all share indices – the DOW – I would probably have taken an even harsher view.
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