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Articles for: Strategies

Andrew Page image

Insuring Your Portfolio

Andrew Page 29 May, 2009

If the possibility of a market downturn has you worried, you might want to consider purchasing some insurance for your portfolio. Here I am referring to a process called ‘hedging’, which ensures that your downside risk is limited by purchasing a financial instrument that will offset any loss incurred in your portfolio.

Matt Baker image

Using options strategies to trade sideways

Matt Baker 17 Apr, 2009
After most bear markets, we usually see a period of the market trending sideways. But what does ‘sideways’ really mean? A sideways market is one that goes neither strongly up nor down, but just drifts along more or less in a channel. There are however periods within the channel where the market goes up or down strongly, but when you average out the gains and losses over a period of time, perhaps a couple of months, the market hasn’t made or lost much ground.
Matt Baker image

Plan the trade and trade the plan!

Matt Baker 13 Mar, 2009
In this week’s article I would like to share with you some ways to construct a trade plan that I have found very helpful - helpful in forcing me to know exactly what I'm doing and what moves I'm going to make, when.
Ken Paddison image

Revisiting the Christmas Spirit Trade

Ken Paddison 27 Feb, 2009
You may remember back in December we looked at a Calendar trade on Woolworths (WOW) based on our outlook from Kevin Rudd’s bonus payment.
Matt Baker image

Birds, Butterflies - Anything with Wings please!

Matt Baker 13 Feb, 2009
I have just spent the last 2 days at the February 2009 Optionetics 2-day seminar in Sydney. Most of the room were new students and I found it really special connecting again with people who are at the start of their trading careers.
Ken Paddison image

Is Gold Losing its Shine?

Ken Paddison 29 Jan, 2009
Gold has certainly had another nice little run up over the last few weeks and maybe we have to ask ourselves, did we miss an opportunity to profit from this?
Ken Paddison image

Trading with Safety Using Options

Ken Paddison 23 Jan, 2009
A question I’m constantly asked is, “how do you trade this type of market?” Well, if you must trade in this market then do it safely and yes that is possible.

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