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Articles for: Value Investing

Andrew Page image

Heads or Tails

Andrew Page 10 Aug, 2009
At a recent trivia night the host offered free drinks to the person who could outlast everyone in a game of heads or tails.
Andrew Page image

Where to from here?

Andrew Page 3 Aug, 2009
What an amazing couple of weeks. Just when it looked as if a new downtrend had become established, the market reversed direction and went on to carve out some of the most aggressive runs we’ve seen in a long time.
Andrew Page image

Late to the Party

Andrew Page 20 Jul, 2009
People love a good story. But beyond their entertainment value, stories play an important role in how we interpret the world.
Tom Scollon image

Seven Deadly Sins

Tom Scollon 26 Jun, 2009

In the coming weeks I am going to write about the seven deadly sins in investing – according to Scollon. Not because it will fill seven weeks of editorial – in fact I am always wary about serial articles – but rather I see these sins being committed regularly. In fact daily before my very eyes. And it is easy to avoid them.

Andrew Page image

Investors Behaving Badly

Andrew Page 8 May, 2009
There is a long list of academic theories and models that  attempt to explain and understand the economy and markets.  While none are perfectly infallible, many  nevertheless have their merits and provide important practical lessons.
Andrew Page image

The price of everything and the value of nothing

Andrew Page 24 Apr, 2009
It’s very easy to take something as straightforward as a  market and make it seem immensely complicated, and it’s something that we all  do.  But let’s step back for a moment and  examine exactly what the market actually is.
Andrew Page image

Time to Invest?

Andrew Page 27 Mar, 2009
A lot of people spend considerable time and energy in trying to determine whether the market has bottomed or has further to fall. While we can attempt to calculate reasonable and objective estimates, the fact is no one can ever be sure, not even the most qualified and experienced professional.
Andrew Page image

Damage Control

Andrew Page 13 Mar, 2009
There are few reasons to be optimistic about the general state of the global economy at present and at times like these it can be difficult to remain confident in the markets. As a long term income investor it can be easier to tolerate significant corrections, but they are certainly an unwelcome phenomenon.
Andrew Page image

The gift that keeps on giving

Andrew Page 15 Dec, 2008
Global economic crisis notwithstanding, it’s a safe bet that many Australians will devote a sizeable part of the family budget to buying gifts for friends and family.
Andrew Page image

Prediction Impossible

Andrew Page 24 Oct, 2008
Share market movements can seem almost random, and it can often be difficult to rationalize the daily changes in value.

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