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Articles for: ValueGain

Andrew Page image

Buy & Hold is Dead - Part I

Andrew Page 30 Aug, 2010
Gone are the days, we are led to believe, where holding shares for the long term will bring any reward.
Andrew Page image

Super Rip-0ff

Andrew Page 16 Aug, 2010
The national broadcaster last week released a damning report on the returns of Superannuation funds. It sounds a clear call to arms for all serious investors.
Lachlan McPherson image

The Insanity of Markets

Lachlan McPherson 16 Aug, 2010
The Markets can be a harsh mistress at times, moving against all rationale at the drop of a hat.
Andrew Page image

Dividends Make the Difference

Andrew Page 5 Jul, 2010
As DividendKey attendees will be aware, when it comes to generating an income stream from your investment dollar, most people tend not to think of shares as an attractive option, and this is a great pity.
John Jeffery image

Invest by the Book

John Jeffery 5 Jul, 2010
Brokers and equity analysts will use a wide variety of financial tools to determine the true worth of a share.
Andrew Page image

GFC 2.0

Andrew Page 4 Jun, 2010

Are we headed for another great depression? Many seemingly credible commentators seem to thinks so, although as is often the case there is conflicting views and rigorous debate.

Andrew Page image

Backwards thinking

Andrew Page 28 May, 2010

All traders know the trend is your friend. That is, you buy when prices are rising and sell when prices are falling; a seemingly self evident truth that is entirely logical, or is it?

Andrew Page image

Budget Breakdown

Andrew Page 14 May, 2010

When it comes to the federal budget, it’s virtually impossible to keep everyone happy.

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