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Articles for: ValueGain

Andrew Page image

Keep it Real

Andrew Page 24 Dec, 2009
It is a curious phenomenon of the human condition that we so often focus on effects rather than causes and we sometimes struggle with the idea that correlation does not imply causation.
Andrew Page image

Holding Pattern

Andrew Page 21 Dec, 2009
After a substantial rally from the March low, US and Australian markets have recently lost momentum.
Andrew Page image

Told you so

Andrew Page 14 Dec, 2009
As it turns out, this was amazingly prescient, with the market rallying strongly between then and now.
Andrew Page image

The Exception That Proves the Rule - Part 2

Andrew Page 23 Nov, 2009
Last week I examined the performance of the Japanese market over the past 20 years and claimed that although the major indices have declined by around 69% in that time, the experience for long term investors would be substantially better provided even the most basic of principles were applied.
John Jeffery image

If you can't be good, be careful

John Jeffery 21 Sep, 2009
In my last article I noted that we could be approaching technical resistance in the S&P 500 and that I am paring back my long positions as individual charts begin to show weakness.
Andrew Page image

Valuation Consternation

Andrew Page 28 Aug, 2009
Attempting to calculate the ‘fair’ or ‘intrinsic’ value of a listed company is no easy task.
Andrew Page image

Heads or Tails

Andrew Page 10 Aug, 2009
At a recent trivia night the host offered free drinks to the person who could outlast everyone in a game of heads or tails.
Andrew Page image

Where to from here?

Andrew Page 3 Aug, 2009
What an amazing couple of weeks. Just when it looked as if a new downtrend had become established, the market reversed direction and went on to carve out some of the most aggressive runs we’ve seen in a long time.
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