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Articles for: Australia

Rick Akdagcik image

Following the Roadmap

Rick Akdagcik 12 Aug, 2008
Too many traders begin their analysis without an informed view of where the markets are likely to go.
Tim Walker image

Changing Horses Midstream

Tim Walker 12 Aug, 2008
Politicians have a knack for changing horses in midstream, waffling on policy according to public sentiment.
Rob Roy image

Finding Success in the Market

Rob Roy 8 Aug, 2008
The key word in the title of this article is “Finding”. One of the questions we are frequently asked as Trading Tutors is “What is the best market for me to trade?”
Andrew Page image

Week in Review

Andrew Page 8 Aug, 2008
US markets have seen yet another week of indecision and volatility as traders tried to weigh up falling oil prices and steady interest rates against further weakness in the financial sector and wider economy.
Tom Scollon image

Banks were Safe as Houses

Tom Scollon 8 Aug, 2008
As you know I am quite happy to take questions and weave the answers into the editorial where appropriate.
Tom Scollon image

Surprise Surprise

Tom Scollon 1 Aug, 2008
Well well wouldn’t you know it? The banks have finally declared an increase in provisions for write offs.
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