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Articles for: Australia

Lachlan McPherson image

Thinking Long Term

Lachlan McPherson 30 Aug, 2010
If you follow the financial markets in any shape or form, it has been near impossible to miss the vast amount of merger and acquisition activity taking place under the current global circumstances.
Tom Scollon image

Gold a Safe Bet?

Tom Scollon 30 Aug, 2010
With the thought of a double dip recession gaining some increased following – but not from yours truly just yet – one might think of gold as a place to find refuge until the ill winds blow over.
Lachlan McPherson image

It's Been a Wonderful Time

Lachlan McPherson 23 Aug, 2010
It’s been a wonderful time in the markets. We’ve seen a very clear trend and if you were on board using Elliott Wave Analysis you would have no doubt seen some excellent trades.
Andrew Page image

The Magic Box Part 3

Andrew Page 23 Aug, 2010
What is the use of talking about mystical cash producing boxes when it comes to the real world of investing? In this the final instalment of the series, we reveal what DividendKey students know only too well: Dividend paying stocks are just as good as magic money boxes...
Jordan Craw image

Is it Really Deadly?

Jordan Craw 23 Aug, 2010
The ‘Death Cross’ is a term used to describe the behaviour of two moving averages in relation to each other.
Tom Scollon image

To Gear or Not to Gear

Tom Scollon 23 Aug, 2010
That is the question. Well at least one important question.

Many investors get locked into the routine of a strategy without really questioning is it relevant today and in these market circumstances.

Andrew Page image

Super Rip-0ff

Andrew Page 16 Aug, 2010
The national broadcaster last week released a damning report on the returns of Superannuation funds. It sounds a clear call to arms for all serious investors.
Mathew Barnes image

When is a Top a Top?

Mathew Barnes 16 Aug, 2010
In my Trading Tutors Newsletter article last week I wrote about a setup on the Euro (EC-Spotv in ProfitSource) for a potential high.
Lachlan McPherson image

The Insanity of Markets

Lachlan McPherson 16 Aug, 2010
The Markets can be a harsh mistress at times, moving against all rationale at the drop of a hat.
Tom Scollon image

Range Trade for Years?

Tom Scollon 16 Aug, 2010
Someone suggested to me we could see the markets range trade for years – maybe 10 or a dozen years!
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