Articles for: India
As I scanned the financial print headlines Thursday – I only scan as reading detail clogs my brain – I quickly recalled a heading only a day earlier which just told a very different story. On Wednesday our Reserve Bank Governor was reported – on the same front page - as saying things would be sweet as here in Australia – well not in those words. And then on Thursday the IMF were reported as saying we are heading down the gurgler.
Mathew Barnes
12 Jan, 2009
I hope all our readers have had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and that 2009 will bring you all the happiness and success that you could possibly wish for!
Mathew Barnes
28 Oct, 2008
After some serious falls in late September and early October, the Australian sharemarket is trading sideways, in what we call a trading range.
I was talking to a client at the recent Trading Tactics on Sunday 14 September.
Mathew Barnes
18 Sep, 2008
As I write this article on 18 September, 2008, the ASX200 has fallen 4%. You can almost smell the blood in the streets.
The rapid growth from developing nations like China and India have helped to significantly boost the demand for resources like iron and copper, and as such we’ve seen solid increases in volumes and prices in metals over the past 5 years.
Rick Akdagcik
12 Aug, 2008
Too many traders begin their analysis without an informed view of where the markets are likely to go.
Politicians have a knack for changing horses in midstream, waffling on policy according to public sentiment.
Rick Akdagcik
16 Jul, 2008
A few months ago I wrote an article on Gold (GC-SpotV) headed “Golden ABC” and discussed a short trade opportunity on the first lower top off the all-time high on Gold.
I heard the expression “Snap Point” in a seminar given by a business consultant.