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Articles for: United States

Andrew Page image


Andrew Page 5 Oct, 2009
Despite a lot of rhetoric over the so called ‘September effect’ most major markets around the world ended last month at or just below 12 month highs.
Tom Scollon image

Gold shining again?

Tom Scollon 5 Oct, 2009
Yes a little bit of shine has come back to gold after so long in the doldrums. Let’s look at the daily Elliott:
Matt Baker image

The Magic of Butterflies - Part 3

Matt Baker 28 Sep, 2009
Welcome to part 3 of a brand new series on one of my favourite strategies, the Butterfly. In last week’s article, we will be dissecting the Butterfly in greater detail, looking at what makes up its components.
John Jeffery image

If you can't be good, be careful

John Jeffery 21 Sep, 2009
In my last article I noted that we could be approaching technical resistance in the S&P 500 and that I am paring back my long positions as individual charts begin to show weakness.
Tom Scollon image

Come Ride with Me

Tom Scollon 21 Sep, 2009
I am sure SharesBulletin subscribers will not mind me sharing an interesting email from one subscriber - Glynn.
Aaron Lynch image

Keeping to the Bigger Picture!

Aaron Lynch 16 Sep, 2009
With all the media hype in our faces on a daily basis it’s close to impossible to completely shut off the radar to outside influences.
Tim Walker image

Getting Started in Futures

Tim Walker 16 Sep, 2009
Every week at seminars I meet students who want to start trading in Futures. Some even have accounts open, but just don’t feel ready to start or feel a bit intimidated.
John Jeffery image

When will the Pull Back come?

John Jeffery 14 Sep, 2009
For the last 4 weeks, media pundits and market commentators have (rather tiredly in my opinion) prattled on about shares “getting ahead of the fundamentals” and how the market should “pull back”.
Matt Baker image

The Magic of Butterflies - Part 2

Matt Baker 14 Sep, 2009
Welcome to part 2 of a brand new series on one of my favourite strategies, the Butterfly. In this week’s article, I will be introducing the topic of ‘strike widths’.
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