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Articles for: United States

Mathew Barnes image

A Captain's Knock

Mathew Barnes 19 Dec, 2008
Trading is a business, but to me, it is also a  game.
Matt Baker image

The Greeks And Their Mystery Unveiled! - Part 11

Matt Baker 15 Dec, 2008
Welcome to Part 11 of my series on the Greeks. In last week’s article we looked at trades that began with a dominant Greek and how to manage that Greek throughout the life of the trade.
Mathew Barnes image

Getting Set on the Euro

Mathew Barnes 15 Dec, 2008
In my article last week, I wrote that I believed the Euro had finished its run down, and was now in a position to consolidate before continuing its move up.
Tom Scollon image

A complex web

Tom Scollon 15 Dec, 2008
‘Peter’, a SharesBulletin subscriber asked – some time ago so sorry Peter about the delay – for a review of the AUD/USD. And I thought it would be of interest to TTN readers also.
Mathew Barnes image

Rise of the Euro

Mathew Barnes 8 Dec, 2008
There was a lot of talk in the media last year about the Euro replacing the US Dollar as the Number One currency of choice in the world.
Mathew Barnes image

Christmas Bonus

Mathew Barnes 27 Nov, 2008
Trading around Christmas time generally gives you one of two scenarios.
Sinan Koray image


Sinan Koray 14 Nov, 2008
Strong emotions and successful trading do not mix. I have often made the point that trading needs to be boring.
Mathew Barnes image

Hedging Your Currency Risk

Mathew Barnes 7 Nov, 2008
The recent fall in the value of the Australian Dollar, while painful for Australians looking to travel overseas, has proven popular with many traders whose trading accounts are denominated in US Dollars.
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