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Articles for: United States

John Jeffery image

Putting on the bear hat

John Jeffery 31 Aug, 2007
This may sound unseasonable. Most market commentators are beginning to come around to the idea that the current pullback was an expected correction and things are going to waltz along as before.
Jordan Craw image

Strength in ADX Numbers Revisited

Jordan Craw 31 Aug, 2007
Trend strength is an important part of trading directionally when it comes to most systems. A while ago, we looked at an additional criteria that a ProfitSource user employed at one of our software training sessions.
Jordan Craw image

RSI Support

Jordan Craw 24 Aug, 2007
In this age of computers and technical trading software, Welles Wilder’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) remains one of the most popular indicators in technical analysis. <
Julia Lee image

Temporary respite

Julia Lee 24 Aug, 2007
The week went from renewed confidence after the US Federal Reserve cut discount rates by 0.5% to renewed worrying about the still-unfolding US sub-prime mortgage saga.
Tom Scollon image

How I missed the biggest bull week in a decade

Tom Scollon 24 Aug, 2007
Not sure if it’s been quite a decade but it does not matter. I sold down and tried my hardest to be a bear and I had a miserable week. It confirmed all I have always believed.
Tom Scollon image

Hallelujah I'm A Bear

Tom Scollon 17 Aug, 2007
Because by the time this goes to print I will be back going long again. I just can’t help myself. Maybe I have an addiction. Maybe I have a problem.
Jordan Craw image

Against the Grain

Jordan Craw 3 Aug, 2007
Taking a contrarian view is often what trading (and investing) is all about.
Jordan Craw image

Trade the Test

Jordan Craw 13 Jul, 2007
Trading a break of a trend line is one of the oldest technical trading methods around.
Aaron Lynch image

The Costs of Ambition

Aaron Lynch 12 Dec, 2006
I read a great quote over the weekend in the Astrology section of the Sunday paper. It said under my star sign that you have to measure the “freight costs of your ambition”. I thought what a great way of discussing the road to your outcomes. Like all things worthy of effort, learning to trade will have its fair share of trials and tribulations.

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