Articles for: Integrated Analysis
Mathew Barnes
15 Aug, 2008
A question that new traders often ask me is “How much money should I start out with?”
Moving averages have long been a favourite tool of technical analysts because of their simplicity and predictive power.
As I watch the DOW going up and down like a yoyo I ask myself again who is buying and sorry - what they are smoking.
US markets have seen yet another week of indecision and volatility as traders tried to weigh up falling oil prices and steady interest rates against further weakness in the financial sector and wider economy.
As you know I am quite happy to take questions and weave the answers into the editorial where appropriate.
Well well wouldn’t you know it? The banks have finally declared an increase in provisions for write offs.
In Issue No 265 of the Trading Tutors Newsletter we identified the price of $22.34 on 3rd June 2008 as a potential top in Santos (STO:ASX).
Yes this is typical of the devil, lurks does the damage and disappears.
The current turmoil on world financial markets can largely be attributed to one thing, and that is debt, or more specifically, too much of it.
John Jeffery
18 Jul, 2008
At the very beginning of the year there were a multitude of shares that looked like they were offering value.