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Articles for: Technical Analysis

Jordan Craw image

Avoiding the Next Brisconnections

Jordan Craw 8 May, 2009
There has been quite a bit controversy in the  press regarding Brisconnections in the last few months and for good reason, the  situation really is astounding. What seemed like a safe, income stock to many  retail investors was actually an instrument carrying huge liabilities.
Tim Walker image

What To Do When The Market Says No

Tim Walker 8 May, 2009
There is an old saying that the Stock Market spends 80% of its time working out where to go and 20% of its time getting there. The times when the market is preparing for a move are usually known as periods of 'accumulation' or 'distribution', depending on whether the coming move is to be up or down respectively. These 'beds of preparation', as they are also known, are characterised by sideways price action.
Tom Scollon image

Breakthrough in oil?

Tom Scollon 8 May, 2009

I can’t consider any stock or future without first looking at a chart – so let’s get straight to it – a simple unadulterated daily line chart:

Mathew Barnes image

Mastering the Art of Trading

Mathew Barnes 4 May, 2009
Anyone who has studied a martial art such as karate, judo, or kung-fu would be familiar with a system of grades or "belts" that must be achieved and earned along the path to mastery.
John Jeffery image

Can you pallet it?

John Jeffery 4 May, 2009
In the article entitled "Brambles - A Thorny Subject" I considered the usefulness of combining On Balance Volume and Bollinger Bands as a simple trading method.
Tim Walker image

Taking Stock

Tim Walker 24 Apr, 2009
Are we in a bear market rally or a new bull  market? What stock is best to invest or trade in? Is it going up or down from  here? In this article we are going to have a look at the current position of Santos (STO:ASX) and how  we would analyse its prospects.
Tom Scollon image

To Be or Not To Be

Tom Scollon 24 Apr, 2009
As I scanned the financial print headlines Thursday – I only scan as reading detail clogs my brain – I quickly recalled a heading only a day earlier which just told a very different story. On Wednesday our Reserve Bank Governor was reported – on the same front page - as saying things would be sweet as here in Australia – well not in those words. And then on Thursday the IMF were reported as saying we are heading down the gurgler.
Tom Scollon image

Metals getting carried away?

Tom Scollon 17 Apr, 2009

Everything is rosy in the garden and that is nice. But my cautious head has been asking are markets getting a little carried away? You see, economically things will get a lot worse before they get better and what the punters are banking on is that this is the beginning of the new world.

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