Will we love again Tom Scollon 23 Jan, 2009 Will we love again? Will we ever reach a time when we can relax about our job, our mortgage, about our life time savings, go out and have a great time and not worry about tomorrow?
SITM Monthly Jan 2009 Aaron Lynch 16 Jan, 2009 Welcome back to Safety in the Market in 2009 as we kick off the year!
BHP - A Follow-up Noel Campbell 16 Jan, 2009 Welcome to all our Safety in the Market traders to this month’s newsletter and of course Happy New Year.
Taking off the bear hat John Jeffery 16 Jan, 2009 Back in 2007 I wrote an article entitled "Putting on the Bear Hat"
Maybe gold is a 'Noah' white dove Tom Scollon 16 Jan, 2009 I am sure most of you will recall how Noah let out a white dove from his ark after he thought the great floods were over.
2009 - A Big Year For The Euro Mathew Barnes 12 Jan, 2009 I hope all our readers have had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and that 2009 will bring you all the happiness and success that you could possibly wish for!
A Thorny Subject John Jeffery 12 Jan, 2009 With the equity markets still in disarray from the tight global credit environment, many observers will be looking forward to 2009 with continued pessimism.
Still clear as mud Tom Scollon 12 Jan, 2009 I wish I could have you open your first TTN for 2009 with good news from Tom. Alas the future is still unclear.
Fee Fi Fo Fum! I smell the blood of the Fed Reserve man! Tom Scollon 19 Dec, 2008 Governments panic. Well Governments might say the Feds are independent and it is the Feds who are panicking.
Getting Set on the Euro Mathew Barnes 15 Dec, 2008 In my article last week, I wrote that I believed the Euro had finished its run down, and was now in a position to consolidate before continuing its move up.