Articles for: STO
Ken Paddison
14 Nov, 2008
Currently the Implied Volatility of options is high, making them expensive to buy.
For those trading the equity markets, times have been tough.
In this article we will continue our journey through Santos (STO:ASX).
In Issue No 265 of the Trading Tutors Newsletter we identified the price of $22.34 on 3rd June 2008 as a potential top in Santos (STO:ASX).
It has been a while since we had a look at Santos (STO:ASX). Back in May we were looking at the 22 May top of 20.87
Since last week we have seen Santos power away and continue to make higher levels.
When last we looked at Santos (STO:ASX) the price was getting close to the all-time high of 16.08 set last October.
When we left Santos (STO:ASX) last time we were contemplating an ABC long trade that had a previous double bottom for support.
When we keep hearing how volatile the market is, it is tempting to think that it will always be hard to find a good trade
The great Jesse Livermore (1877-1940), regarded by many as the greatest trader who ever lived, said: “Speculation (i.e. trading) is nothing more than anticipating coming movements”.