Articles for: ASX
John Jeffery
27 Nov, 2008
One way that major financial institutions go about their stock selection is to employ a process known as top down analysis.
When I first studied my Smarter Starter Pack, I thought that the way to trade was to find a market and take every ABC long and short trade.
Noel Campbell
21 Nov, 2008
Looking back over the history of the Australian market since the inception of the SPI futures contract in 1983, you will find no other bear cycle as savage for such an extended period.
Ken Paddison
14 Nov, 2008
Currently the Implied Volatility of options is high, making them expensive to buy.
Albert Einstein said that the solution to any problem should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Yes I know I am a worry wart but there are some insidious things happening that are causing me concern.
Ken Paddison
31 Oct, 2008
>Most traders have heard about options, but many don’t fully appreciate the wide variety of strategies we can employ when trading options.
Mathew Barnes
28 Oct, 2008
After some serious falls in late September and early October, the Australian sharemarket is trading sideways, in what we call a trading range.
Share market movements can seem almost random, and it can often be difficult to rationalize the daily changes in value.
For those trading the equity markets, times have been tough.