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Articles for: ASX

Jordan Craw image

Commodity Play Revision

Jordan Craw 5 Mar, 2010

Ever written something and upon reading it later realize you didn’t say quite what you meant to? Well that’s exactly what happened recently with my previous article on the hidden foreign exchange risks that often exist in trading instruments based in a currency other than your own.

Tom Scollon image

Range Trading Markets

Tom Scollon 5 Mar, 2010

Most of us of course like trending markets. They have long moves – up or down – and are easier to identify and invest into and we generally sleep better at night. But we can’t have our way all the time and sometimes markets have insufficient buying or selling force to move them strongly in one direction.

Tim Walker image

Trading by Proxy

Tim Walker 1 Mar, 2010
Many traders are interested in trading the commodity markets, and for good reason – they make good trends and generate great returns.
Andrew Page image

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Andrew Page 1 Mar, 2010
In principle, making money in the market is all about buying low and selling high. At least that’s what most people tend to think, and a great deal of effort goes into trying to identify stocks with the best growth potential.
Tom Scollon image


Tom Scollon 1 Mar, 2010
I read with interest Jordan’s article before I wrote my editorial and coincidentally it was a subject about which I planned to write but from a different perspective.
Tom Scollon image

Markets are just plain weak

Tom Scollon 15 Feb, 2010
No matter what market you look at they are all weak right now – our local market, global equity markets, commodities.
Tom Scollon image

When Chaos Abounds

Tom Scollon 29 Jan, 2010

Perhaps chaos is slightly too strong a word for what we have experienced in global markets in the last few days. However it has caused some consternation, otherwise we would not have seen this kind of action:

Andrew Page image

Go Long, Stay Strong

Andrew Page 22 Jan, 2010

Given the apparent devastation that resulted from the Global Financial Crisis, a casual observer would be forgiven for thinking that stock market investors are still licking their wounds. After all, the Australian market more than halved in value between Late 2007 and early 2009 and still remains a good 25% below its all time high. Fortunes have been lost and, according to the popular media, the hopes and dreams of the soon to be retired baby boomers have gone up in smoke.

Tim Walker image

Trades to Take and Others to Avoid

Tim Walker 22 Jan, 2010

When last we looked at Santos I left you with a little challenge to spot why I wouldn’t take an ABC short trade that was signalled on Tuesday 1 December. How did you go? It’s not too late to go and have a look now before you read on. The simple reason was that Point B, which occurred on 27 November, sat on the 50% level of a major range. To find this we look at the Weekly Chart, as follows.

John Jeffery image

Entry Signals to Trade Elliott Wave

John Jeffery 15 Jan, 2010

In the early 1980’s a trader and a psychiatrist were having an ongoing dispute as to whether great traders were born or created. In order to resolve their positions the pair suggested that they recruit and train several individuals, provide them with accounts and see how they faired. The two having the argument were Richard Dennis and Bill Eckhardt and the subsequent experiment became the very famous ‘Turtle Traders’.

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