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Articles for: CBOT

Tom Scollon image

Breakthrough in oil?

Tom Scollon 8 May, 2009

I can’t consider any stock or future without first looking at a chart – so let’s get straight to it – a simple unadulterated daily line chart:

Andrew Page image

Long Term Investing Dead?

Andrew Page 2 Apr, 2009
A lot of comparisons have been made between the current Global Financial Crisis and the great depression, and indeed there are many similarities. Unfortunately though, such comparisons seem to provide little scope for optimism, especially for the longer term investor.
Jordan Craw image

It's All Relative

Jordan Craw 20 Mar, 2009
Over this period of bear market action I have been continually dismayed by statistics used in the mainstream media. Statements like "...the Dow had its largest one day decline in history" may sound fair enough, but when we are talking about absolute changes in price they are really quite useless.
Tom Scollon image

West and East in the ring

Tom Scollon 20 Mar, 2009
A few months ago I wrote about how the USA was in decline and China was fast catching up - and so I thought that it was time to relook at these economic power machines. Not that a lot can change in a few months that will influence the outcome in decades to come.
Aaron Lynch image

Keep an Eye on Volume!

Aaron Lynch 17 Mar, 2009
As the new week unfolds in Australia off the back off the 3rd largest "up" week in the Dow Jones history the cynic in me always has to think this is the next part of the dead cat bounce or the real deal.
John Jeffery image

Survival of the Fittest

John Jeffery 6 Mar, 2009
This article is going to argue two points which can not readily be taken from any chart. The first is that the market is in a bottoming process (particularly in the US) although the view from the chart is somewhat clouded.
Tom Scollon image

Dour News

Tom Scollon 27 Feb, 2009
Sorry to be back to the dour side of investing life.
Sinan Koray image

Pain or Pleasure

Sinan Koray 3 Oct, 2008
What motivates you? Is it pain or pleasure? Most people would answer “Pleasure”. Experience shows otherwise. Think of two scenarios for a moment: 1) you make 10,000 in the market 2) you lose 10,000 in the market.
Tim Walker image

Changing Horses Midstream

Tim Walker 12 Aug, 2008
Politicians have a knack for changing horses in midstream, waffling on policy according to public sentiment.

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