IF-THEN-ELSE Mathew Barnes 23 Nov, 2009 I’m not a computer programmer by any stretch of the imagination. I have no plans to become a computer programmer either!
A Short Term Low on the US Dollar Mathew Barnes 5 Oct, 2009 This week I wanted to touch on an old favourite of mine - the U.S Dollar/Japanese Yen currency pair.
False Breaks Mathew Barnes 27 Jul, 2009 Often in trading we will analyse a market using our Gann analysis, make some calculations and determine a price level that looks like it will provide support or resistance in the market.
A Rock and a Hard Place Mathew Barnes 19 Jun, 2009 It’s been a very interesting time in the currency markets. Mind you, I can’t remember too many boring times since I started trading these markets!
Half Time Entertainment Mathew Barnes 29 May, 2009 It should be an interesting week ahead. At time of writing (Wednesday May 27th) several currency pairs are trading close to major 50% milestones or “half points.”
Taking Up The Challenge Mathew Barnes 20 Mar, 2009 In my last Trading Tutors Newsletter article I set students a challenge to find three reasons for price resistance in the US Dollar/Japanese Yen (FXUSJY in ProfitSource) around the 99 level.
Don't Fear the News! Mathew Barnes 13 Feb, 2009 I’m writing this article on Wednesday and the Dow Jones has fallen 381 points overnight. In these days 381 points doesn’t sound like much, but with the DOW trading around the 8000 level it did represent a 4.5% drop.
Patience in the Market! Mathew Barnes 6 Feb, 2009 Have you ever “fiddled” with a trade and then looked back later and wished that you hadn’t? So often we can get impatient with the market, expecting our move to happen today!
The Safest Place to Trade Mathew Barnes 10 Oct, 2008 If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a trading cliché, I could probably bail out the US Financial System myself!
Keeping Your Cool Mathew Barnes 3 Oct, 2008 Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If”, which Gann quoted in his romantic novel Tunnel Thru The Air, starts with the line “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…”