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What Recession?

2 Dec, 2005
Just as world equity markets start to recover some party pooper talks about a recession. Can’t we just bask in the sun for a little while?

Deere Heading Up

25 Nov, 2005
Quite often the simplest of technical analysis techniques are pushed to the back of our minds to make way for the more complex methods.

Testing Our Limits

25 Nov, 2005
It seems that as humans we tend to do the right thing in most circumstances the majority of the time once we know the rules.
Aaron Lynch image

Confirmation For Better Trades

Aaron Lynch 25 Nov, 2005
A cliché that seems to be constantly ringing in my ears recently is that there are so many good trades, why take a bad one?

Beware Gold Spruikers

25 Nov, 2005
It’s not a big call to say gold is headed towards US$500 – despite a firming dollar.

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