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The electronic age we live in has caused a massive increase in the ease by which the average investor can get in and out of the market. Many people these days have access to the Internet during the day at work in order to follow their local markets and at home in the evening to follow markets abroad.
“I want you, at the end of this, to end up with a well oiled machine. 80 percent of traders fail. They lose money – they either retire or go broke. It is not that they make a lot of mistakes.
There can often be much confusion about dividends and the focus they occupy in investors’ strategies.
A key question to ask is – am I investing for dividend or for capital growth?
Noel Campbell
23 Jul, 2004
My focus on NAB has been no secret over the past couple of months. It has been a big week in the news for the bank. Seemingly deserted by all quarters.
Most of us will agree that having predetermined exit levels for taking profit and minimizing losses is an extremely important part of any trading system.